Below are some of the thoughts and feelings of those who've entrusted their loved one to the Thomas E. Burger Funeral Home.

We are very appreciative of the kind words received.

Our continued commitment is to provide excellent care and compassionate service to all those whom we serve.

8/21/2024: "Thank you for all the assistance with making our Mom's calling hours perfect."

8/15/2024: "Thank you for the fabulous job for ....... funeral."

8/5/2024: " Many thanks to all of you for all you did for me and my family ... I sincerely appreciate all of the big things and little things - each was meaningful and ever so helpful. I couldn't have done this without you!"

4/8/2024: " I want to thank you for your assistance during and following the death of my husband. You walked me through so much with all the calls you made on my behalf. The candle and the holy cards are beautiful. No one wants to go through such a time, and you help so much with this process. Thank you all...."

12/2023:  "... Thank the entire staff, from the first meeting, through the funeral and afterward ... Thank you for all your support and help with everything ... I had no clue what to do and you guided me all the way. Thank you for the Guidelines booklet, it helped a lot. Thank you for all the follow-up meetings, also for the snowflake ornament, which I cherish..."

8/28/2023:  "Thank you all so very much for all the care and help you gave to our family...I know he is looking down from heaven watching over us - he would be very proud."

5/1/2023:  "Thank you so much for all of your help and the personal services that you gave to us as we mourned our father's passing. You made this process so much easier for us - for that we are grateful."

4/21/2023:  "We just want to thank you all for the beautiful job you did in coordinating all the details of the calling hours, mass, and veteran tribute for my father ... Your attentiveness to our needs, and care in all of the details of our final goodbye will not be forgotten..."

1/18/2023:  "Thank you for all your help and understanding."

2/8/2023: "Thank you very much for the awesome job you all did with our father's funeral arrangements....Doug, for meeting with us to do planning / Cindy & Mary, for creative execution of the memorial flier; the video was awesome ... such a wonderful tribute ... / Brian, Sonny, Dave and the other Brian, for being at the memorial service ... to be sure everything ran smooth ... and for meeting us at the cemetery ... and your graveside prayers; much appreciate. Thank you for taking care of so many details that, emotionally, we could not have. We appreciate you."

" I cannot tell you how much I appreciated all your help. Everything was as I wanted it to be. You were all a great help."

"I appreciate everything you did for my father and our family ... all the details ... I hope you know how much you help the families walk through their grief."

"Thank you for providing exceptional services ... I appreciate all the personal touches which makes this experience a meaningful and a sad, but joyful celebration of a life well lived. I will cherish the DVD of pictures and music. It was/is a wonderful gift of memories and was very well done."

"Thank you to the entire Burger staff ... for a "perfect service!"

"To everyone at Burger Funeral Home - thank you for the tender care you gave to Mom and her family. We appreciate the extra attention to Mom's last wishes and the personalization of her service. As always, we know that the Burger Funeral Home and all its associates give 100% and plus to all its clients and families. We are oh so lucky to have you in our community. With love and gratefulness...."

"On behalf of the entire ... family, please accept our deepest thanks. You guided us with grace and dignity in providing [us] with a fitting tribute to a life well lived. Knowing [our loved one] was in your caring hands gave me great comfort during the most difficult days of my life. Even in his final hours, [our loved one] took comfort knowing that you would be the one making his arrangements. Please extend our appreciation to your entire team for their assistance and kindness."

 "Thank you for your compassion and kindness at such a difficult time.  We felt very comforted with the services and respect you gave the family and Dad"

"I would like to say "thank you" for your help, support and compassion...we are forever thankful and grateful to all of you."

"Many thanks to you and your staff for organizing and carrying out [our] last wishes. Calling hours went really well, the flower arrangements were beautiful and all of the staff was so professional and helpful....."

"Thank you for your kindness and for all your help at the time of our loss."

"Thank you so much for everything you did for my brother's memory .... It was a beautiful service; our family is very grateful for all the thoughts, prayers and hard work you all did to make it easy...."

" To Everyone at Burger Funeral Home - I want to thank all of you for all your hard work! The room and video show were wonderful! Thank you so much for all your attention to detail!"

To all at Burgers..."Thank you for everything you have done for us!!!"  You have made this time of sorrow so much easier!  You guys are wonderful!

" We thank you and your staff for all you did for us. No request of ours was too much. You made this time so easy for us. Thank you again"

" ...[we] would like to thank you for the support and caring help you gave us during a very difficult time. Thank you for your patience and kindness."

" ... heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the wonderful job that you did on our father's funeral. There was no detail that was not addressed or taken care of which took the pressure off of us and made everything go so smoothly for us. You have been a great comfort to our family during this time of great sadness. Thank you!"

"We want to thank all of you for your services and thoughtfulness for our Dad's funeral. You've all been so helpful and made it very special with the Honor Guard and flag presentation.  Dad would've been very honored and pleased (as we were) too!) ..."

"To the staff at Burger Funeral Home - I would like to send a special thank you for the respect, kindness and all-out wonderful job done in working with [our] family. Everything was well orchestrated, and we wanted for nothing. Thank you for easing our minds putting [our loved one] to rest."

"I wanted to thank you for making a very difficult time for myself and my family a little bit easier.  Everyone was so kind and attentive, and had patience galore.  Many can do a "good" job; not everyone can do a job "good." Thank you for doing a job "good."

"Thank you for making the service very beautiful.  You did such a wonderful job."

"Thank you for all of the advice and direction you were able to give to my family and myself when organizing all the funeral arrangements.  It took a lot of pressure off of us during this crazy time.  I also want to thank you for your thoughtful and meaningful words at the burial.  You brought light and comfort to me and my family during this very difficult time, and we are eternally grateful for that and our friendship."

"Thank you for all the great care you took ... and support after.  [We] speak very highly of you all.  We appreciate you all."

"We want to thank you so much for putting together a beautiful farewell for our precious mother.  Each of you brought something special to make it a beautiful celebration of her life.  You're all so good at what you do.  The organization and caring showed so.  We will be forever grateful."

"Just a note to thank you for your care and kindness at the time of [the] funeral ... Family and friends were impressed at the way you handled the funeral too.  Many thanks too for your words of condolence and encouragement and for the "Continuing Care Series" .... Having the Burger Funeral Home right here in Hilton is a blessing.  May God continue to bless and guide you in your work."

"We can't thank you enough for all that you and your staff have done for us since Mom passed ... the wonderful service, the Christmas celebration and then the card for the one year anniversary.  It means a lot that you remember and validate what we feel.  All the "firsts" are hard, but God gets us through it.  You are all wonderful and we wanted you to know how we feel."

"Dear Doug and Staff - Thank you so much for the beautiful job you did serving our family ... Everything was handled very professionally and turned out beautiful!  Thank you for the personal service ....  It is much appreciated!  We are very pleased with the service you provided for us!"

"I personally want to thank you all for the outstanding job you did for [us].  Thank you for your patience with our family too.  Your professionalism and personal touches are a great comfort to me.  Working with you was easy.  Thank you so much."

" Thank you all so much for all that you've done for our family during this difficult time!  You all eased our pain and provided a beautiful celebration ... Your kindness and professionalism helped us through and is much appreciated!"

" I wish to thank all involved with mother's burial.  Everything went off without a problem - you are the best.....You could not have been kinder."

" Tom and staff - Thank you so very much for your time and effort spent with my parents and our family.  Your results are always exemplary.  You all are a true gift to this community."

"I want to thank all of you for everything you have done to provide your services to myself and family during our time of need.  Everything was planned and executed perfectly.  We couldn't have asked for more.  The drive by the [home we shared for forty-one years] was especially comforting.  Your thoughtfulness was truly appreciated.  Thank you also for the Continuing Care series [booklets] and am looking forward to book two.  Thank you for contacting people for me; making it easier for me so I could concentrate on other things.  Each day is a challenge but also a blessing, and with God's help and yours, we will get through this time.....thank you"

" Our family would like to thank you and your staff for your services over the last couple months....when we began discussing funeral arrangements {our father} was confident that Tom Burger's Funeral Home was the place to go.  I am so glad that he pointed us in the right direction during his lifetime.....Our initial meeting to arrange the plans was a difficult experience for me personally as we knew my father had limited time left.  However, Doug and my father chatted about everything, including their culinary skills and my father's desire to have a toast at the grave.  I learned a lot about my father's final wishes that day.  Once my father had passed, we met with Jim and were again provided with excellent service.  After the meeting {we} were are ease with the process and left without any need for additional questions......and the ability to put all the pictures together to create such a perfect brochure in such a sort period of time was amazing.  The kindness and compassion that you and your staff provided to our family will be forever remembered."

" On behalf of the [entire] family, I want to thank you for the beautiful memorial service for my sister....; and all the support it took to make her service so comforting to all who loved her.  Your attention to detail allowed us the freedom to grieve her passing, knowing we did not have to worry about anything else: we knew it was being taken care of.  From our family to the Burger Funeral Home family, we extend our deepest gratitude and love to you all."

"We just wanted to thank you so much for all you and your staff did to make mom's passing so much easier.  You took care of everything and it was beautiful - just how she wanted it.  You all are special people to do what you do."

"Yes, "it has been almost 1 year since the death of my loved one", as your recent note said, along with the 4th book in the Continuing Care Series.  I do not have adequate words to tell you what comfort those books have brought me.  Thank you for sending them.  I share them when I can, and I read them over and over to help me on this journey."

"Thank you so much for the wonderful way you treated me and my family.  My [loved one] looked beautiful, and I was so pleased.  I will surely recommend your services to anyone who asks.  God bless you and thank you again."

"Thank you so much for the amazing job you all did to help me with honoring [our loved one].  I've had a lot of wonderful comments on how it was set up and how beautiful it was.  Thank you again."

"I wanted to let you know the service, video and flowers were beautiful and all the staff were very nice..."

"We can't begin to thank you enough for the compassion and guidance for [our family].  Many have come up to me and expressed how nicely done the service was..... how fitting the video and music were, and beautiful flowers."

"Your never ending way of helping us through this difficult time will never be forgotten - we couldn't have asked for a more beautiful service; you are all special"

"I cannot thank you enough for the wonderful way you handled Dad's calling hours and service.  You made a sad and difficult time easier for us.  Your kindness and compassion is so appreciated.  Thank you and God bless."

"Thank you so much for all you did for {the} service.  It was beautiful...."

"Thank you so much for everything you did for us; it will never be forgotten.  My Dad's service was just beautiful...."

"Words cannot express our thanks for all the help and services you all implemented on our behalf during our time of grief ... Doug's personal touch went a long way towards making us feel comforted...."

 " Thank you for making such a difficult time a bit easier.  You all do a top notch job at what you do!"

"....I cannot thank you all enough for your guidance and support through such difficult times.  I don't know what I would have done without you!  Your hard work is so very important and very much appreciated.  God bless you."

"...How can I begin to thank you for walking this journey with (Doug) were so kind and loving to her and gave her peace that you would be there to take care of her at the showed such love, respect and dignity as you took her took care of all the little details with such class...."

" We can't thank you enough for the care and attention to detail you provided for us in our time of need and sorrow.  Meeting initially {on the weekend} to preplan....and meeting on the holiday...such comfort and relief.  We fully trusted everything would be taken care of, and it was.  The respect and genuine concern given to the family was so extremely appreciated.  In the future, when we have a need, we will certainly call on your funeral home again."

" I want to thank you for sending me the booklet "The Pain of Grief."  I can't tell you how many times I have read it already and how much it has helped me.  I've already...shared it with others.......the booklets are so helpful.  I only wish I'd had one for my past losses."

I greatly appreciate what you did for me!  Thank you so much for the grave stake and flag for my father's grave."

"Thank you for your words of sympathy, your voice of concern, your gesture of caring, and the love you offer."

"We couldn't have asked for a better service.  I am so glad that you all are a part of my "family" too.  {We} are blessed many times over."

"Thank you so much for all the help and guidance you gave me.... This has been a very stressful time, and you helped relieve some of that stress .... Thank you for being so worked out perfectly.  Thank you again for your support and kindness during one of the worst times of my life...."

"Words cannot express our appreciation for all that was done recently for {us}.  Your professionalism and graciousness were outstanding, and we will never forget."

"Again my thanks to you girls and your efficiency.  So much appreciated the Navy laminated piece to go inside the flag case...blessings to you.."

"Thank you for everything - concerning my mother's passing and calling hours.  Everyone we dealt with was compassionate and nice.  I appreciate you letting {us} rearrange your home and {letting us} add our personal touches"

"Thank you all so very much for all the comfort and support you provided me and my family for {the} funeral and preparations.  I know I had special requests, but you all handled them with grace and kindness & thoroughness. The committal service at the cemetery with the Military Honor Guard was especially memorable.  In appreciation for all that was done..."

"Thank you all so much for the guidance and support you offered our family over the 4 weeks prior to {the} funeral.  The level of patience and empathy displayed by your staff greatly touched my heart."

"Thank you for taking care of my friend....I appreciate your help more than you know....your kindness at this sad time meant alot....

"....your compassion and professionalism is truly outstanding.  Thank you!"

“I am truly so grateful for all you have done, during the hardest time I have ever known.”

“Thank you very much for helping us get through this difficult time.”

“Thank you for your compassion and efficiency in caring …..You took care of one of the most daunting tasks at the hardest of times for my wife and I.  We can’t thank you enough….from the bottom of our hearts, thank you to Burger Funeral Home for always caring for our family”

“Again, thank you!  Your support was just what we needed to get through – and your staff is amazing!”

“Words cannot express our sincere appreciation for your extraordinary assistance in coordinating the funeral.  It was a beautiful send-off, and we would have been lost without you!  Thank you for all your hard work and kind words.”

“Thank you very much for the excellent attention to every detail surrounding Mom’s funeral.  You all were very kind, respectful, and professional. You made us feel comfortable and able to concentrate on the issues at hand….we appreciated the time you gave us to discuss options presented to us for arrangements….we appreciated all the time and guidance you gave us.  Your kind words helped us through the tough days …. thank you for the attention to every detail on funeral day.  There were many, many tears that day, but the day flowed as we hoped, thanks to your great skill…. May every family be treated with such great care as you and your staff have given to us.”

“I could have never done this without you.  I want to thank everyone with all my heart.”

“We want to thank you all for your help… Doug, I know you take care of families 24-7, but you never made us feel that.  We were treated as if we were the only ones …….”

“Thank you for helping us through the funeral process.  We had no idea where to begin, and you walked us through each part.  We appreciate the compassion you showed our family at this difficult time.  Hopefully we will not need your services anytime soon, but if we do, I know we will be in good hands.”

“We were expecting a nice funeral, but not all the extra special care and attention to detail you showed to my mother and our family…..thank you for all you did, and for the time you spent answering questions….”

“…I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for making a very difficult time in my life so much easier.”

“Just want to thank you for the beautiful job you did.  We were very pleased.  Everything was nicely displayed – couldn’t ask for more….many thanks!”

“You folks are the best!  (We) want to extend our sincere gratitude for all you folks did….from the preparation years ago for her burial to whence you took her body away and returned to make her bed, leaving the beautiful poem “May I Go.”  It was not easy to let her go, however we were all reassured that mom was in the best professional, funeral home hands….”

“Thank you so much for everything you did for the Services for my mom…you guys are truly the best…”

“Thank you so much for your kindness and compassion that you showed our family at the time of our dad’s death.  You made a difficult time less stressful.  We truly appreciate your service.”

“When they asked what funeral home to contact, there was no hesitation – you have a reputation for professional yet personal services.  You and your staff exceeded that expectation.  When we stopped at the office, the staff could not be more accommodating.”

“Thank you Tom, Doug, Jim and Team for everything you did to celebrate my Dad’s life.”

“…You walked us through each step of the decision making, both personal and legal, performing much of the leg work thus lifting the burden off our shoulders.  Thank you for your patience with the many revisions…and extras you graced us with…..In a job that by its very nature is filled with sorrow and tears, each one of you bring a peace, joy, smile and comfort to those of us blessed by the service you provide.”

“The generosity and kindness you’ve shown our family has been such a blessing.  We cannot thank you enough.”

“…Your whole team is quite an asset to the community.  My thanks…for going above and beyond the call of duty to get and give information we needed…”

"Thank you for the beautiful snowflake ornament in remembrance of my husband...What a lovely gesture!  It is greatly appreciated.  Such a kindness helped me get through Christmas."

"Thank you so much for all your help.  Everyone was amazed at how well we all did at putting it together.  I know...loved it also"

"Doug and team, Our sincere thank you for both your professionalism and patience in our time of need.  Having you involved made our loved one's passing more tolerable for us.  Your attention to detail was so appreciated!  All our thanks"

"Thank you for the great experience you provided to our family in memory of our loved one"

"On behalf of our family, we extend to you our sincere appreciation, to everyone at Thomas E. Burger Funeral Home, for your sympathy, kindness and professionalism during the loss of our father.  Your attention to detail was appreciated.  You added so many extra touches to make the day seamless and comforting.  We are all so thankful you were there for us all."

Dear Doug -  "Words cannot express our gratitude to you for helping us through this difficult time.  It was, and is, a painful period of time that continues to stand still at this time...I can never thank you enough for all that you did.  I knew we would be in the best of hands!"