Dearest Aimee
You will be in my heart forever just like your Mom is. You had such a sense of humor that would crack me right up and I'll never for get out trip to Vegas when you turned 18 and going to see Earth Wind & Fire aka to you as Dirt Stone & Water or when you lived with us and the cat gace birth on your bed to all the kittens. LOL. You are a gorgeous girl and I have cherished being your Aunt Titi and always will. You are now with Your Lord & Savior and I know your Momma was right there to welcome you with open arms. I bet she's still hanging on to you. Please give her my love and tell her how much I miss her! I know I'll see you both again one day!
Until Then ...
Love you & Thumbs Up
Aunt Titi/Vicki xoxo